
Laura Greener 
Cassia County Treasurer
1459 Overland Avenue Room 102
Burley, ID 83318
Phone : (208)878-7202
Fax : (208)878-1012
Email :
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - Monday – Friday

*** Click Here for the Public Property Information Access Site ***

Understanding Idaho's Property Taxes

Voter Approved Fund Tracker 2024
Property Tax Relief on your 2023 Tax Bill (Español)

Payment Deadlines

December 20, 2024 is the Last Day to pay the 2024 full tax payment or first half tax payment without a late charge and interest.

June 20, 2025 is the Last Day to pay the second half tax payment if it was not paid in full in December without a late charge and interest, calculated from January 1, 2025.

All mail payments MUST be postmarked on or before the 20th due dates to be applied as paid on time. Mail delivered to the post office on the 20th may not be postmarked until the following day. Request the post office to hand stamp a postmark on your envelope to be considered for an acceptable postage date.



Payment Information

  • When making payments, please contact our office for a current payoff amount as interest accrues daily.  
  • You will need a bill number when making payments online or over the phone.  
  • Please contact our office for your current bill number as a new one is generated on the parcel each year.

A drive-up Drop Box is available on the south east corner of the courthouse for your convenience.  

Please do not place cash payments in the Drop Box.

Now offering Prompt Pay!
We can send you a link through a text or email with all the information needed for you to pay.  Call our office and request this service.  
   The fee for using a debit or credit card is 2.5% of the total amount you pay.  The fee for using an e-check is $2.50.

Pay Online.  
Use Access Idaho for payments that are made online or in our office.  
The fee for using a debit or credit card is 2.5% of the total amount you pay. The fee for using an e-check is $1.00.

Use ACI Payments for payments that are made online or over the phone.
The fee for using a debit or credit card is 2.89% of the total amount you pay.

Pay over the phone.  
Please call Official Payments at 1-888-827-4240 to make a payment over the phone.
Use option ‘5-Real Estate’. Wait for a confirmation number that is issued at the end of the call to ensure the payment is successful.
The fee for Official Payments is 2.89% of the total amount you pay.

Pay in Person or by Mail.  
Please write your parcel or current year’s bill number on your check.
Cassia County Treasurer/Tax Collector
1459 Overland Ave. Rm 102
Burley, ID  83318