Extension Office
Cassia County Extension Educator Office
1459 Overland Avenue, Room #4 - Burley, Idaho 83318
Phone: (208)878-9461
Fax: (208)878-7862
Email: cassia@uidaho.edu
Cassia County Extension/4-H Website
Click here for online 4-H Payment
Click here for online Extension Payment
Cassia County Extension Facebook Page
Cassia County 4-H Facebook Page
UI Extension provides reliable, research based education and information to help people, businesses and communities solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
We focus on contemporary topics that matter to you most, including:
- Small and large scale sustainable agriculture
- Home horticulture
- Natural resources
- Health and nutrition
- Food safety
- Personal financial management
- 4-H Youth development
- Community development
Youth benefit by participating in 4-H programs to develop confidence, leadership and life skills. Afterschool and summer programs are also offered to further educate youth.
Grace Wittman
University of Idaho Family Consumer Science Extension Educator
Cassia County
Brandon Brackenbury DVM
University of Idaho Agricultural Extension Educator
Dena Jarolimek
Cassia County 4-H Coordinator
Extension Office Staff:
Tiffany Anderson
Administrative Coordinator
Sarah Somsen
Administrative Assistant & Noxious Weed
Brianne Brackenbury
4H Program Assistant
Brooklin Somsen
4H STEM Corps Instructor
For information on Cassia County Extension, visit out website: http://www.uidaho.edu/extension/county/cassia