County News

Notice of Candidate Filing Deadline

Cassia County  NOTICE OF CANDIDATE FILING DEADLINE  Pursuant to Idaho Code §34-1405, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN for candidate filing deadlines for the following taxing districts that will be conducting candidate elections in Cassia County on Tuesday, May 20, 2025.  In …

Deputy Clerk Job Opening

Cassia County Clerk of the District Court will be reviewing candidate applications to fill openings for a Deputy Clerk position. Application forms and job description may be found at

Election Calendar – 2025

CASSIA COUNTY, IDAHO ELECTION CALENDAR – 2025 Pursuant to Idaho Code §34-1405, notice is hereby given that the following taxing districts will be conducting candidate and/or special elections in Cassia County during the calendar year 2025:       &nb…

Cassia County Hazard Concerns Survey

Cassia County is in the process of updating our Hazard Mitigation plan. A vital part of this process is getting the input of the citizens of Cassia County. If you reside in Cassia County, please complete this brief survey, should only take a couple of minutes, regarding hazards (Flood, Earthquake…

Jury Service Information

Jury Service Questions and Answers Cassia County is providing the following Q&A to address most of the commonly asked questions regarding Jury Service. Jury Service is a constitutional civil right and privilege and the Jury Commission is charged with managing the process. Many questio…

Letter to Farmers Regarding Water on Roads

Please click here to read our Letter to Farmers regarding water on roads.